Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chapter 6: A Cold Day In July

With her art becoming quite popular and bringing in serious simoleons, Dakota gets it in her mind that they need to move. While Lily's at school, she takes Phillip to see a house that she's interested in purchasing.

"What do you think Phil?" she asks him earnestly. His opinion has always been important to her, but she finds herself relying on him more and more these days.

"It's really nice Dakota," he attempts a weak smile. It's not that he doesn't like the house. In fact, he thinks it's perfect. He's just had a lot on his mind lately. Gina has been pressuring him to get more "serious" about their relationship. Translated, that means she wants to get married. But Phillip doesn't want to leave Dakota alone with a teenage Lily. He loves the girl like his own daughter, and he wants to see that she makes good grades and graduates. He wants her to have every opportunity in life, and he is nervous about leaving her in Dakota's hands.

Lily and Dakota have always been distant at best. Dakota never seemed to take an interest in Lily when the girl was a child. Now that Lily is older, Phillip can tell that she feels unwanted. He is the only link between the two of them, and if he leaves he doesn't know what could happen. And he doesn't want anything bad to happen to his girls.

Lily calls her realtor and let's her know that she wants the house.

Phillip decides to take out his frustration by doing some cool Sim-Fu karate moves.

Gina makes herself at home in the new house.

"Why are you still living here?" she persists.

"Lily needs me..." Phillip explains.

"Lily is a teenager now. She can fend for herself."

Phillip shrugs and goes quiet. Gina's been dating him long enough to know when to drop it, but she can't help but wonder about Dakota's role in all of this.

However, the topic continues to come up during their day-to-day conversations. Gina just can't seem to let it go.

One evening when Dakota and Lily are out of the house, Gina brings it up once again.

"Why can't you just move in with me?" she nags. "The whole town is talking about what a chump I am to let you live here with her! Everyone thinks I am such a slut, dating a man who lives with another woman!"

"Gina," Phillip says exasperated. "There is nothing going on between Dakota and I." He grits his teeth and tries to force himself to be patient. "Why do you listen to what everyone else says anyway? You know I've only got eyes for you."

Gina snorts. "Yeah, right! I see the way you look at her. If only you would look at me that way, maybe then I wouldn't have such a problem with this arrangement."

Usually so patient, Phillip feels himself snap. "What is your problem Gina?!" he yells. "I've done everything I can to prove that I love you, and you only! Why can't you trust me?!"

They stand there for a minute quietly staring at each other, the air thick with tension.

With his frustration released, Phillip feels exhausted all of a sudden. He just wants Gina to leave so he can go crawl into bed and cry.

Finally, he breaks the silence. "Gina," he says quietly, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"Get away from me," she shrieks furiously. "I'm out of here!" She storms out the front door, leaving Phillip alone with his thoughts. Resigned, he heads upstairs to his bedroom to brood about the evening's events.

It's 4:00 in the morning, and Phillip can't sleep. He tiptoes down to Dakota's room, knowing she'll be home by now.

"Dakota?" he whispers. "Dakota, are you awake?"

He hears a groan from under the covers. "What do you want Phillip?" she responds groggily.

"Dakota, can we talk please?" he asks quietly.

"Right now?" She turns over to look at the alarm clock. "Phil, it's 4 o'clock in the morning..."

"I know, but it's been a bad night. Dakota, I think Gina and I broke up."

With that news looming over her head, she immediately pulls herself out of the covers and walks over to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Phil," she tells him softly. "I know how much you loved her."

"That's just it," he says. "I thought I loved her, but now I'm not so sure."

"What happened?" she asks him.

"She wanted me to move out of here and in with her," he replies nonchalantly.

Dakota breathes in sharply. "An- And what did you say?" she stammers.

"I told her no." He pauses and scans her face for a second, searching for something, anything. Looking her directly in the eyes, he says "She thinks I'm in love with you."

Dakota feels her heart pounding a mile a minute. She swallows hard, and, trying to sound light and effortless, she asks, "And do you?"

He takes a deep breath, and without breaking eye contact he quietly replies, "Yes. I do."

Phillip takes Dakota's hands in his and a bit louder this time declares "I love you, Dakota West."

Dakota exhales. She hadn't even realized she'd been holding her breath. "Oh," is all she can manage to say.

They stand there for what seems like hours staring at each other. The silence between them is practically unbearable when Phil suddenly asks "Is it hot in here?"

"Yes, I'm a bit warm," she says faintly.

Phillip grabs one of her hands and leads her out the backdoor.

They sit in a patch of grass in the backyard.

Dakota has never felt shy a day in her life, but tonight it's all she can do to look Phillip in the face. Instead, she stares up at the stars, watching as their twinkling lights fade in the dawn's early sunshine.

Phillip can't keep his eyes off of her. He feels a sense of relief. And joy. The burden he's carried around all these years, the fear that has held him back for so long, is gone.

He reaches over and holds her hand, surprising her out of her thoughts.

Their eyes meet. He smiles encouragingly.

Dakota relaxes, and together they watch the sun rise. In this moment, everything is perfect. They are together at last. What more could they ask for?

Blissfully tired, they get up. It is morning now, and neither of them have gotten much sleep.

He gently strokes her cheek. "I love you Dakota," he says again. She smiles contentedly.

"I love you too Phillip," she whispers in reply.

They spend the morning sleeping late. Phillip wakes up around noon to the sound of his phone ringing.

"Phil?" Gina's voice resonates loud and clear.

"Yes?" he responds sleepily.

"Phil, we need to talk. Now. It's urgent."

From the tone in her voice, Phil knows something is wrong. He immediately gets up and dressed and heads over to her house.

When he arrives, he realizes that Gina is dressed peculiarly. Somehow, she looks different to him too, but he can't put his finger on it.

From the way she's staring daggers at him, she's obviously still mad.

"What do you want Gina?" he asks, getting right to the point. He is still tired from last night, and he really wants to get home to be with Dakota.

"Phil, I'm pregnant," she announces abruptly.

Phillip feels like he's been winded. "W-W-W-What?" he stutters.

"I found out this morning," she explains. Her tone is bitter, and she glares at him unsympathetically.

Phillip can't even breathe. A million thoughts run through his mind, and he stands in front of Gina frozen in panic.

"It's going to be okay," he says more to himself than Gina. "We will be okay." He looks up into her face, and all he sees is overwhelming anger.

"What do you mean it's going to be okay?!" she screams. "It's NOT going to be okay!"

Blindsided by her rage, Phillip tries to calm her down. "Gina, we'll figure this out," he tries to soothe her, but he sounds hollow and unconvincing.

"I do not want to be a mother Phillip!" she shrieks. "I am single and alone, and I do not want to go through this whole thing again!" Phillip knows she has a daughter from a previous marriage, but he didn't realize she hated being a parent so much.

After arguing with Gina for hours, Phillip wanders around the town aimlessly. He arrives home late that night to find Dakota painting in her PJs. He was honestly hoping she would be asleep by now.

Drained and emotionless, he tells her everything. She quietly listens, and with a sad silence she accepts their fate.

He is going to marry Gina. He will go live with her and help her raise the baby.

That night, Dakota cries the hopeless tears of a broken heart.

Challenge Notes:

The beautiful house that is displayed in the first photo was created by calisims (yangthecat) and is available here at Mod the Sims. It is a wonderful home, although I redecorated the interior to fit the personality of my family. It is fabulous though right out of the box.

I know I didn't spend much (alright, any) time on Lily this chapter. She had a ton of stuff happening during this time period as well, but due to everything going on with Phillip and Dakota I figured I would tweak the time frame a bit and blog about her a little later.

The chapter title is from a Dixie Chicks song by the same name. I thought it was appropriate, as I'm writing this on the last day in July. It's been about 105 degrees Fahrenheit in Texas this month (I do not exaggerate), which is causing my plumbob to fry (lame joke, I know). Anyway, when I was writing this chapter it made me feel cold and sad, even though it's so hot, so I thought the title fit perfectly.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chapter 5: Festering Tensions

Phillip sits quietly across the table from Dakota. It's the morning after the party, and Dakota has been unusually quiet since the night before.

Last night, Phillip kissed Gina. Well, if he's going to be completely honest it was more than kissing, but he doesn't think it is necessary to go into specifics.

And he quite enjoyed himself. He spent the evening with a pretty woman who was actually interested in him. Besides, it has been a while since he got any "action", and he's missed it.

"And really, how long can I wait for her?" he thinks, referring to Dakota. "She is far too self-absorbed to notice me, even when I am right in front of her. Anyway, I really like Gina," he continues. "She is cute and fun and she likes me."

"Then why are you still trying to convince yourself to date her?" his logical side reasons.

Phillip shakes his head. Enough with this nonsense. He is going to invite Gina over tonight. And if it turns into something, then fine.

That afternoon, Phillip celebrates his birthday alone in the kitchen.

"I am so over her," he thinks defiantly.

Gina shows up for their date right on time. Dakota slips quietly out of the room, mumbling something about taking care of Lily.

While Phillip and Gina get cozy on the couch...

...Dakota decides to spend some time with Lily.

"She is just so trashy!" Dakota tells Lily. "Can you say tra-aa-sh-y?" she asks the two year old.

"Tw-aa-ashy," Lily obligingly repeats in her cute toddler voice.

The following evening, Gina and Phillip head over to the lounge Bamboo-Zle.

And the next night, they go to Gina's favorite place, a lounge called Cog. A true gentleman, Phillip likes to surprise her with flowers.

It isn't long before Gina begins spending the night with Phillip.

After one such evening, Dakota wakes up to discover a scantily clad Gina wandering around her house.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Dakota yells at Gina. "My daughter lives here, and she doesn't need some half-clothed tramp walking around her home!"

"Sorry, honey," Gina replies scornfully. "You passed him up, and now he's mine."

Her attitude outrages Dakota. "You all can do whatever you please. But not in my house, and not around my child!"

"Don't go getting your panties in a twist," Gina sneers. "Besides, it isn't your house any longer, sweetheart." She smiles, her lips twisted in mocking contempt. "It is Phillip's to, and he says I can be here." She begins to walk away, but whips around to face Dakota. "And one more thing," she says, a slight taunting in her voice. "Phillip's an amazing boyfriend. You have no idea what you are missing."

As Gina walks down the stairs to the bathroom, Dakota stands there, feeling like she's been slapped in the face. She wants to run into Phil's bedroom and start screaming at him, but something stops her. Usually so rash, Dakota decides to leave it be, for now anyway. Something about Gina's tone bothers her. It almost sounded as if she was jealous.

"Surely not," Dakota ruminates. "There has never been anything between Phil and I..."

Lily's birthday arrives.

She become a child.

Lily's childhood years seem to blow by like a speeding train.

When she's not at school, she spends her time doing homework with Phil...

...Or hanging with her friends at the park.

"When you grow up, you actually have to hold hands with your boyfriend," she tells them. "Like full on hand-to-hand contact."

"Ewww! Cooties!" screams Michele Loving (the girl in the green skirt).

One day, Lily is at the park playing in the sandbox when a boy comes and sits down near her.

"I'm never getting married," she proudly proclaims to him.

"Oh yeah?" he retorts. "I thought that's all you girls thought about. Finding your prince charming and blah blah blah."

Lily giggles. "Well, I'm not," she says stubbornly. "Marriage is for only for wussies."

"Yeah, me neither. No girl ain't ever gonna tie me down."

"I'm gonna be rich and powerful when I grow up," he tells her as he throws a fistful of sand in the air.

"Yeah, me too," she agrees.

"I'm Leo," he says matter-of-factly.

"I'm Lily," she responds. "By the way, why are you dressed like that?" Lily asks, always intrigued by the odd fashion choices of the Sims around her.

Meanwhile, the relationship between Dakota and Gina has gone from bad to worse. Convinced that Dakota will never see him as anything other than a friend, Phillip assumes her animosity toward Gina is related to underlying feelings of insecurity. He surmises that she doesn't like Gina because she is afraid of being replaced.

So he ignores the hostility and pretends like things are fine and dandy.

"She'll get used to the fact that there is another woman in my life soon enough," he speculates.

It is Lily's birthday again. With Phillip being preoccupied with Gina and Dakota absorbed in her own problems, Lily's birthday is a private, family-only affair.

Lily the teenager. She has become quite a budding fashionista, but she'll let her big hair speak for itself. No regrets, right?

Challenges Notes:

So, there was only a little bit of drama this chapter, but I'm hoping to get to the good stuff in chapter 6. Lily is a teenager now, and she is a clone of her mother. All her features scream Dakota, from her hair color to the shape of her eyes. Oh, well. Hopefully I'll get some genetic diversity in the next generation.

By the way, I know Lily's teenage hair style is, umm, interesting. But I'm trying to give her an edgier, fashion forward look without going over the top. She is going into the stylist career as an adult, so I'm trying to lay the groundwork for that path.

Also, you will be seeing more of Leo. He is the adopted son of Vita Blanche (I think his mom is Vita and not her sister Alyson). He seems like he's got potential to be Lily's significant other, but we shall have to wait and see. I did change his hair color and (later) his teen outfits. He had some sort of gray/mousy brown hair, and I like him better with black hair and blue highlights (although you can't really see the blue in the photos, it's really dark).

Friday, July 29, 2011

Chapter 4: Birthday Surprises

"Why don't you come to the park with us Dakota?" Phillip asks, a concerned look on his face.

"Phil," she says irritably, " I need to paint. Your farm hasn't generated a single simoleon, and my art is the only way we are able to pay the bills." She glares at him and gets back to work.

"But Dakota..." he trails off, realizing she's already tuned him out.

Phillip sighs and heads on his way. She's right after all. His plants do not seem to want to grow on Dakota's land, and they are struggling financially right now. But does she have to spend all her time painting? Lily is growing up right under her nose, but Dakota barely seems to notice.

At the park, Lily loves to play on the pink horsey ride.

So much so that when Phillip says it is time to go, she doesn't want to leave...

Phillip laughs at Lily's stubborn streak. "Just like your mom," he says with a smile.

That night after Phillip put Lily to bed, he makes an announcement.

"Dakota, I'm going to throw you a birthday party," he declares decisively.

"Phil," Dakota frowns. "I don't need a party. I'm fine to just stay home and work on my art..."

"No, Dakota. You need to get out of this house and have some fun," he pauses for second. "We both do," he adds. Phillip makes it very clear that he will not tolerate any arguing, but that doesn't stop her from trying. Finally, she reluctantly agrees to attend the party this weekend.

It's Friday, and Dakota arrives at the bar first, before Phillip or the other guests arrive. She looks over and immediately spots Morty, now a senior, sitting at the bar.

He approaches her, and she looks away uncomfortably. She has no idea why he is here or what he could possibly want.

"Hi Dakota," he speaks her name delicately, tenderly.

"What are you doing here?" she stammers out. She doesn't want to mess around with small talk tonight. It is her birthday after all, and she wants to have a good time.

"I came here to tell you something Dakota," he says, looking directly into her eyes. "I left my wife."

"You what?" Dakota asks, the gravity of his words not quite sinking in.

"I left her. Well, actually she left me once she realized that my heart belongs to another woman," he replies, the words smoothly rolling off his tongue. "I love you Dakota. I want to be with you. And with our daughter."

For a second, Dakota's heart begins to flutter. She remembers how she used to feel about him, how madly in love she was with him. She would have done anything to hear him say that, to utter those three magical words "I love you".

But then the anger returns.

"You abandoned me, Morty! Left me alone to raise our unborn child! You never pay your child support, never bother to come and visit Lily," she screams. "How dare you march in here and act like you want to be part of my life, part of Lily's life?"

"You're despicable," she says, her voice becoming eerily quiet. "Leave. Now."

"Dakota, I..." Morty begins.

"I said leave!" she says motioning toward the door.

"Fine Dakota, but I am not coming back!" he yells furiously as he storms out the door.

"Good," she mutters to herself.

The rest of Dakota's party goes off without a hitch. They celebrate at the Reserve Tavern, and Phillip even surprises her with a birthday cake.

"Hmm... What should I wish for?" she wonders.

She blows out the candles without realizing that the answer to her wish is standing right behind her shoulder...

Phillip is super excited that Dakota is getting older...

...Even if Dakota herself is a little less certain.

"A few new wrinkles, but I've still got it!" she thinks.

After the celebration, Dakota pulls Phillip aside.

"Phil, have you noticed who has been ogling you all night?" she asks, her tone playful.

"No, who?" Phillip looks concerned and begins straightening his shirt.

"Gina Porcina," Dakota replies with a giggle. "She just broke up with Blyth Smyth and moved back in with her parents. Looks like somebody might have a crush on you!" she teases.

"Really, you think so?" he asks her sincerely.

Dakota is a bit taken aback by how serious he looks. "Well, yes. But everyone knows she's such a flirt..."

Phillip considers for a moment. "I think I'm going to go over and say hello," he tells Dakota. He glances over at Gina. "She looks pretty cute tonight, don't you think?"

Before even waiting for Dakota to answer, he heads over to Gina and starts up a conversation

As the party begins to break up, Dakota goes looking for Phillip. She wants to share a cab home with him, but she hasn't seen him all night.

She stops dead in her tracks, stunned by what she sees in front of her. Phillip has his arms around Gina in an intimate embrace. From the smeared lipstick on his face, she can tell they have been kissing.

"Ahem," she clears her throat.

He jumps back, surprised to see Dakota standing there. "Right," he stammers out, obviously a little embarrassed. "Dakota, you know Gina," he introduces them uneasily.

Dakota fakes a half-hearted smile in Gina's direction. "Phil, we better get home. Nice to see you Gina," she says coolly. And with that she turns around and struts out the door.

Phillip wishes Gina a good night, gives her one last peck on the cheek, and runs after Dakota. He doesn't quite understand what just happened back there, but he sure knows he doesn't want to piss Dakota off any further.

Challenge Notes:

Tried to do a bit of a cliff hanger there at the end, but I'm pretty sure I failed miserably. I always have a problem with being too predictable.

The birthday party was a fun scene to play, with Morty showing up and Phil's romance with Gina. Poor guy, he was so desperate for romance. (Yes, I am totally personifying the pixels on my computer screen. Deal with it! :D) Gina seems nice, and she already has a child with Blyth, so I don't mind using her for Phillip. Besides, who knows what will happen? ;)

I didn't mention it before, but Lily traits are party animal and clumsy. I didn't get to choose (Dakota's pregnancy was rough) but I'm happy with them. Clumsy Sims are adorable, in my opinion.